环球快资讯:打印机gdi是什么意思 gdi是什么意思
2023-06-13 04:02:03 来源: 城市网
1、Windows GDIPurposeThe Microsoft® Windows® graphics device interface (GDI) enables applications to use graphics and formatted text on both the video display and the printer. Windows-based applications do not access the graphics hardware directly. Instead, GDI interacts with device drivers on behalf of applications. Where ApplicableGDI can be used in all Windows-based applications.Developer AudienceThis API is designed for use by C/C++ programmers. Familiarity with the Windows graphical user interface and message-driven architecture is required. Run-time RequirementsFor information on which operating systems are required to use a particular function, see the Requirements section of the documentation for the function. 资料来自MSDN2008 Windows GDI通俗点说就是 “图形设备接口”。
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